Monday, June 2, 2014

How I feel about it all.

I usually wonder, "Who am I?" Do I have any identity? Am i born to do something great or just to linger back among the crowd or to struggle between them to reach for the best.

This very thought strikes my mind whenever i see my parents working really hard for me and my siblings so that we could get the best food, clothing and education. However, they never show a sign of sacrifice and survive watching us happy. They have journeyed an uncountable miles, just to find themselves encircled with another domain of uncertainty and prospects and sacrifices.

My father always says that life is an admixture of joy and sadness, good news and bad news. And now I have got it imprinted in my mind. He also said that the sooner we accept this facts, the better will we be able to get along with the flow of our life. There was a time when those words meant nothing for me as I didn't know what he really wanted me to understand. But now, with the flow of time, I do. I now know that life has got no director as there is during film-making, who would find out things going wrong. We should do it ourselves, if not our world get mixed up.

It was my mother who always used to say, " to gain achievement in life all we need to do is face the difficulties and obstacles that appears on your way rather than running away from it. We should face our everyday life like a man with rolled up sleeves facing the tasks that you have got and always try and accept the impossible and bear the intolerable."

"Till now you have been known by our name, as our daughter but we wish to be known as your parents, by your name and that;s our only wish, dear," that was what my parents told me when I was busy packing my belongings in order to come to where I am now, the Sherubtse College. I found myself dumb-struck, not knowing what to say. For a moment everything went black. I wasn't able to answer them, all I could do was, nothing more than a nod.

Now, I am not sure about myself, when and how I would do that but one thing that I am sure of is that I will follow the path that you have shown me. I pray to the God to give my parents enough patience so that they could wait till I discover my identity.

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