Sunday, June 1, 2014

Lesson from Seasons.

Each time a seed drive its way through the soil in order to germinate, each time a germinating seed exert force in order to burst open the seed coat, each time an embryo tries hard to break through the hard ground to begin its life, each time a sapling fight against harsh weather in order to survive, each time a plant bear flowers and fruits, each time a plant wilts away, nature teaches us some lesson. Lessons on life and its realities.

For us season literally mean the periods of different weather into which a year is divided.
Spring - Summer - Autumn - Winter 
These four simple words composed by the combination of six alphabet each, seems very plain. For us they simply mean nothing more than its literal meaning but it is not. When observed from a different angle, when analyzed deeply, it has got something more to tell us: something exceptionally valuable. 

SPRING: it refers to the idea of rebirth, rejuvenation and renewal. Plants which once shed all their leaves, begin to germinate giving out new buds and leaves and the flowers begin to bloom. Animals which once hibernated to save themselves from the harsh winters now comes out to begin their usual life. Birds start building their nests. The days get slightly warmer and the sunshine does not bother you on spring mornings. Rather it pampers you.
If we try to compare the context of the spring with our life, spring indicates the birth; a new life. It truly represents a man being born with all the abilities to lead a new life filled with new hopes and aspirations, wishes and dreams, determination and success. 

SUMMER: summer is something we usually all look forward to. The days become longer and warmer, the sun shines and every little aspect of nature around us is filled with greenery. It provide us with immense pleasure and happiness through its unlimited and adorable beauty. But sometimes the heavy rainfalls bring out floods, gives rise to landslides and many other natural disasters. Sometimes it is the scorching sun which lead global warming ultimately resulting to drought and famine. So summer is the time when the nature experience all the realities of its existence.
So is a human life. After being born, we need to experience and learn how to get along with our life. In course of time, we experience all the harsh realities of our life, be it happiness or sadness, sorrow and joy. It is here that we try and create a better human out of ourselves or else have ourselves ruined. 

AUTUMN: it is a season filled with changes. Plants have their leaves turned to yellow and gradually letting it fall from its branches. Nature, which was once all filled with greenery now loses its charm and beauty. Flowers doesn't bloom any more, trees stop bearing fruits, animals starts searching for place to hibernate, lands become barren.
So is our life, after having lived half of our life nurturing ourselves, we finally lose our beauty and energy as a youth. We find ourselves growing old with time.

WINTER: the last stage of  the season. The days become shorter and often very cold. The snows began to falls leaving everything frozen. From yellow, the nature completely turns to white.Snowfall makes the lives of the people harder. It does not let any plant to grow properly, then the problems like food shortages both for human and animals arises. Above all winter marks the end of the current year.
When our life is compared with a winter, it represents the death. After having lived our life, we eventually leave every worldly pleasure in order to seek a nirvana state.

Try and learn that when a year passes by, we are nearing to our end.